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Crowdfunding Campaign Updates: What You Should Know

When you want to ensure that you get as many investors as possible and your crowdfunding campaign is as successful as it can be, one of the biggest things you need to consider is keeping your campaign page updated regularly. The more informed your investors are, the happier they will be, and the more active your campaign page is, the more likely it is to continue attracting more investors. Here are some tips to help you keep your campaign page updated.

Post Investor Acknowledgements

Most of the time, investors contribute to a crowdfunding campaign because they believe in the product or the mission, but that doesn't mean that they don't like to feel appreciated while they're at it.

One of the best things you can do to foster good relations with your investors is to post regular acknowledgments when someone contributes to the campaign. Posting thank-you notes to your campaign page does a couple of things for you and your investors. 

First, it shows potential future investors that others are still interested in the campaign. Second, it offers some free advertising for your commercial investors, and it fosters a sense of appreciation that makes investors more willing to work with you in the future.

Post Progress Information

When investors contribute to a crowdfunding campaign that doesn't keep everyone informed on the progress, they can often wonder what's happened with their investment and whether or not anything is actually being done.

You can avoid these types of issues by posting regular updates on your campaign page. Share any progress that's being made in material acquisition, research success, and even prototype creation or testing. 

The more information you can share throughout your development process, the more active your campaign page will be. It also keeps your investors informed of the progress so that they can see the successes you've reached.

Don't be afraid to post your challenges, either. When you're struggling with something, sharing this information with your investors can help to show your resilience and your determination. Let them know what you're doing to mitigate the issue, and foster optimism about the ultimate success of the project.

Make It Engaging

Engagement is a big deal for crowdfunding campaigns, especially since so many of these campaigns can be impersonal and distant in a virtual setting. When you are planning your regular updates to your crowdfunding campaign page, consider incorporating some engaging updates as well. Incorporate video throughout your updates so that investors and prospective investors can really see and connect with the person behind the project.

You can use video updates to share any and all of the information that you put out there, including some of your thank-you posts, your progress information, and even your challenges. When you present some of this content in video form, it provides legitimacy to your campaign and gives viewers a peek behind the curtain beyond what you've presented in your pitch.

Another great video post idea is to show your investors what your facility looks like. Show them your development area, works in progress, or other important structures, work environments, and spaces. The more of this information you can share, the more connected and engaging your campaign will seem.

Investors are far more likely to contribute further to campaigns like this because they are clearly active, engaging, personalized, and real. Don't be afraid to put yourself and your operation out there when you're looking for others to help support and financially back your program.

These are some of the best ways to keep your crowdfunding campaign active. When you're having trouble thinking of what you can share on your page, use these ideas to help you come up with some new posts for your investors and prospective investors.

To learn more about the best practices for crowdfunding, contact a crowdfunding platform.
