Three Network Management Tips
Like most companies, your business is likely to have a network of computers on at any time. Using the network each day can become commonplace, but as the boss you'll need to do the following to ensure responsible, safe and continuous use of all the computers in your business.
Monitor Use
To keep the network buzzing, you'll have to be aware of how the computers are being used throughout the company. For example, it's vital to get an idea of how much electricity each computer is using, how much memory is being used on the network and whether internet bandwidth is adequate for company needs. Various monitoring tools exist for these purposes, and you may need a consultant to set them up and explain them to you.
Not only do you want to monitor usage of the machines themselves, but you should also be monitoring access to business information. Every employee should have their own persona login information so that you're able to easily identify who is logging on from a coffee shop or their home and at what hours. Whenever you terminate employees, ensure that their password and username is no longer active. Your employee handbook should outline rules about network usage and access so everyone understands what you find acceptable.
Back Up Data
You and all your employees should be backing up data as you work so that important client files and projects aren't lost if one of the computers breaks down. Whether you opt for cloud storage or want all data saved on USB flash drives, be sure that you talk with everyone about how often backups should happen and what kind of files must be saved regularly. You might choose multiple methods of backup for more protection.
Update Anti-Virus Programs
At one time, you probably equipped all machines in your network with some type of anti-virus software. However, what you may have forgotten over time is that these programs need to be updated in order to provide adequate computer protection. If you did not enable automatic updates, you should be scheduling time for downloading any relevant updates that exist so that your entire network isn't vulnerable.
Smart network management is vital if your company relies on machines throughout the day. Discuss your network with IT consultants so you can figure out what kind of help you could use and set up systems that protect and enhance the entire company network.